So I've only had this black belt for 3 weeks and I have to go thru a new test. I haven't even been to class because of the arm. But today, is QQS-which is black belt testing. Since the black belts don't go thru regular belt promotions like the underbelts they have this event which takes place a few times /year. It is a 3-4 hour test, very similar to my black belt practical test (except I won't be breaking anything today because I still cannot do any contact karate) It will start out with the old 3 mile run, then sparring, kata, weapons etc. My son has been to this many times. I am kind of looking forward to it. (he is not) I haven't been to class in 2 weeks which seems like forever and I'm going thru withdrawal. Today's QQS is going to be outside. It is usually at either the dojo or at the HS gym. But today, we couldn't get the gym. So we are doing it all outside at the HS track (where I ran weekly not too long ago). I haven't run in a couple months. I'm going to hurt tomorrow. I am hoping, though, that I will get to start learning my next kata. I think it is either Kusanku Dai or Goju Shiho (sp?). YAY- i love kata.
Its going to be sunny and in the 60's this afternoon-perfect for outdoor karate. My arm is still pretty weak, but its been getting stronger daily-it hurts like hell in the process, though. It seems like every muscle in my arm atrophied during the 3 weeks in a cast. I have to train them all over again-very weird and very painful. A couple weeks ago I couldn't even hold my arm out in a punching position. I couldn't even lift my arm off my desk to move it from the mouse to the keyboard. Really freaky and scary. My doctor said not to worry, and that in a couple weeks I would not have these problems. He was right- go figure... He also said that i probably won't need PT because the karate is therapy enough. COOL. Now, I have a lot of mobility back in that arm, except I still can't do a high block. I can do inside block, outside block, punch, low block, kagite, shuto but no high block. Can't get my arm up and over my head without excruciating pain. I guess i need to be patient and keep working at it. And also- my wrist and my elbow are so stiff and painful its pissing me off. I didn't break those-why do they hurt??
oh- and what does QQS stand for? I keep forgetting, but I think it is Quality, Quantity(or Quarterly) , and Spirit testing. I think. I'll ask again.